Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Life Magazine - June 10th 1966

-April 12th, 2011

Life magazine cost $0.35 in 1966
This is a Life Magazine from Friday, June 10th, 1966. It's my parents magazine that they bought on E-Bay a couple years ago. They have it on display downstairs in our "T.V Room". The front cover of the magazine displays Elizabeth Taylor acting in the film "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" When I did some research, I found out that the design of the Life Magazine's has not changed that much since the 60's. The logo is identical, and the setup of the magazine is similar. The only major difference in the design of the magazine's I could find was that obviously the photographs from the 1960's are not as crisp and clean as the photographs you would get on a 2011 issue of Life, and the type in the magazine has changed a little bit considering different marketing strategies within the last 45 years. Ad's in the magazine's have also changed drastically in the last 45 years. I enjoyed looking through the old ad's from the 1966 and comparing them to the ad's of today. For example, the Oreo Ad below has a completely different logo to the one from today. The 1966 logo is complex and hard to remember but relates to many ad's in the 1960's. Today's Oreo logo is extremely simple and is cartoony. Oreo obviously is targeting kids much more than they were in the 60's. Although the ad's and logos have changed in the last 45 years the cookie remains exactly the same. The "Plot to get Whitey" in the top right corner of the cover is a very racist article talking about the Civil Right Movement. In 1966 the civil rights movement was still going on so racist terms were still coming up in newspapers, magazine and in ad's. It was just a different time... 
Oreo AD from '66
Front Cover
Old School Fridge

Electric Shaver Ad
Luxury Car Ad from 1966
Coke Ad from 1966